Frequently Asked Questions – Boat Alert Reports
Table of Contents
Q) What is included in the report?
We search 92+ databases and those databases will check many categories including Accidents, Total Loss, Salvage, Recalls, theft and many more as described on the order page.
Q) Didn’t Get your Report? Lost your Order Number?
After payment you will receive an order number instantly. Use this to login and run your report on our website. If you did not get it yet, we can send it to you again: Click on Lost Order Number. You can also contact the support team by Email.
If you already ran your report but forgot to download it, please check the archive page here ( as the report remains there online for 60 days; or email support for help.
Q) What is NOT included in the report?
Not included in any report from any boat history company:
- Boat Maintenance and service records
- Boat Owner names from states that ban this
- Certified Marine Surveyors
- Boat Engine info
- Length of boat
- Trailer VIN
- Original Dealer
- Boat Warranty Claims or Insurance Claims
- Boat Environmental lien
- Boat Exported out of country
- Boat Equipment check and motor VIN number
As it turns out companies are not allowed to include Owner Names and addresses due to the 1994 Privacy Protection Act that prohibits third parties from distributing such information. There are exceptions in some states and if the vessel has been documented with the US Coast Guard we can get the owner names in certain historical cases.
Q) Can I get a Refund?
We checked 92+ databases with many categories but we cannot guarantee how much information will be found for your boat. We have a 60 day money back guarantee so if you are not satisfied with the search we did for valid reasons, reach out to customer service for an instant refund. Remember that you agreed to the legally binding refund policy.
Q) How does your Boat Alert History Report Compare?
We search 92+ databases and more categories while having a lower price and a longer satisfaction guarantee. Our 10 reports plan does not expire. For a detailed comparison see this table here.
Q) What are the prices for boat history reports?
$19.99 USD for one report and 59.99 for 10 reports. Credits do not expire so you can use them any time.
Q) My boat report came back clean. Now what?
Congrats! A clean report is a good thing. It means that in 92+ databases there was no negative event found. Your report from Boat Alert History Report is the first step in buying your boat. If your report came back clean, that is good news! We suggest that you next do a detailed survey by a certified surveyor to ensure you uncover any unreported problems and and to better evaluate the exact current condition of the vessel as not everything can be seen by computers! We also suggest ordering reports from all the boat history companies if your budget allows as no one company has all the information. The combination of all reports and a survey is the safest way to cover your bases. All history report companies are limited to information that was reported to our sources. It is impossible to know every event in a vessels life but we do our best to gather as much information as possible without using black magic.
Q) Why is my HIN invalid?
If the system is indicating that you have an invalid HIN, then it is important to check it again. Either there is a typo in the first few letters (manufacturer code) or the rest of the HIN is not structured correctly. All vessels manufactured for consumption within the United States after November 1, 1972 are required to have a twelve character hull identification number which must be formatted according to the charts shown here.
Q) Where do I find the Hull ID on my boat?
The HIN shall be located where it is clearly visible when the vessel is in the water, namely, on the upper starboard quarter of the outside surface of the transom or if the vessel has no transom, on the uppermost starboard side at the aft end of the hull. The hull identification number (HIN) on all boats built after November 1, 1972 is permanently affixed to the rear of the transom usually on the upper right corner. It is required by federal law and must appear on the registration application.
Q) Do you check Canadian Boats?
Yes. But be careful as many people confuse Canadian and American Terminology:
1-Canadian Licensing is similar to the U.S. boat registration at State levels. It is for tax purposes mainly in the province. You will see the letters of the province in the licence number usually. Display your PCL number on both sides of the bow.2-Canadian Registration on the other hand is similar to U.S. documentation at the federal level, and is designed for commercial vessels and ships. It costs more in legal fees to register a boat.
Boat-Alert can search both the registered and PCL Canadian vessels. And when it comes to theft search within the RCMP boat theft database, we search any HIN regardless if it was PCL or registered.
All pleasure craft powered by an engine of 10 horsepower or more are required to have a Pleasure Craft License (PCL) issued by Transport Canada unless they have a vessel registration. The process to attain a new PCL, or to transfer one, is done online within 90 days of purchasing a boat. A PCL is free of charge and is good for ten years. If you move or any of your information changes during that time, you are responsible for updating your license information. You can renew or apply here:
Q) Where is the HIN located?
Look for the HIN on the upper starboard quarter of the outside surface of the transom. Another location to look for it is on the uppermost starboard side at the aft end of the hull.
The HIN must be located where it is visible when the boat is in the water on the outside starboard (right) side of the transom but if there is no transom, then check the uppermost starboard side at the aft end of the hull.
You might also find a second HIN under a piece of hardware. The HIN is also shown on the State certificate of registration papers and insurance papers as well.
Q) How to find the Owner of a boat?
Since states require the HIN to appear on registration certificates, you might find the boat’s owner by purchasing a Boat Alert history report online and paying with a credit card. Not all States will disclose this information due to Privacy Laws so it is NOT Guaranteed in the Boat Alert report.
Watch Video to learn more:
Q) Can I search using a Licence Plate instead of HIN? focuses on Searching HINs but if you contact the support team by email we’d be happy to lookup the HIN using your State Registration No. or Provincial licence number. We can do the reverse lookup for the HIN.
Q) Can you get me the Title Papers? focuses on Searching HINs to get the state registration and title data but we do Not have the ability to obtain a copy of the Title Papers or duplicate titles in case you lost yours. This applies to boats and trailers.
Q) Can I find out who a boat is titled to?
Please see answers to this question above about owner names.
Q) Does the report show boats exported out of country?
Please see answers to this question above regarding what is and isn’t included in the report.
Q) Can I pay using PayPal?
Yes, use this link to pay with Paypal Here. Then use the number we send you to Log In. If you did not get it yet, we can send it to you again: Click on Lost Order Number. Just note that it can take 15 minutes for you to get the order number to login.
Q) How long does it take for the report to run?
After payment you will receive an order number instantly. Use it to login and run your report on our website. If you did not get your order number by email, please contact support for help.
Categories: To learn more about History Reports for used boats and boat hin search visit: