Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

As of January 2021, we have retained a digital accessibility firm, to help us identify and fix accessibility barriers on As of March 1, 2021, the Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) Auditor has confirmed that all web pages and content currently conform to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA.

We have an annual review process and undergo regular monitoring by CPACC Auditor. This includes manual testing and the use of assistive technology, such as screen readers, to ensure our site remains accessible. is committed to facilitating the accessibility of our website for all users. Please be aware that our efforts to provide an accessible website are ongoing. We have made every attempt to be reasonably accessible. If you encounter an accessibility issue or have a question, please contact our customer service department.

Accessibility Audit History
03/01/2021 –  WCAG 2.1, Level AA – Status = Passed
01/01/2021 –  WCAG 2.0, Level AA – Status = Passed

Accessibility Statement

Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) outlining Section 508, ADA & WCAG 2.1 Compliance accessibility information for


CriteriaLevel of SupportRemarks and explanations
Section 1194.22 Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and ApplicationsSupports with exceptions
Section 1194.41 Information, Documentation and SupportSupports

Section 1194.22 Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications

  • Applicable product(s): and Enterprise*
CriteriaLevel of SupportRemarks and explanations
(a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via ‘alt’, ‘longdesc’, or in element content).Supports with exceptionsAll non-text navigation and functional elements are accompanied by text descriptions. Some non-navigation, non-functional visual elements, such as a user’s contributions graph may not be accessible to assistive technology.

Additionally, when a users submits non-text content (e.g., an image in a issue comment), Markdown’s syntax requires alternative text be provided.
(b) Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation shall be synchronized with the presentation.Not applicableNo multimedia presentations (other than the occasional animated GIF) are used.
(c) Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.SupportsVisual line diffs are annotated with standard “+” and “-” notation to indicated additions and removals.
(d) Documents shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style uses modern, text-based, semantic web development practices, and does not rely on non-HTML plugins or applets such as Java, ActiveX, or Flash except where otherwise noted for non-essential functionality.
(e) Redundant text links shall be provided for each active region of a server-side image map.Not applicableNo server-side image maps are used.
(f) Client-side image maps shall be provided instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape.Not applicableNo client-side image maps are used.
(g) Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables.Supports with Enterprise dashboard has a table that is not identified as a data table.
(h) Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers.Not applicable
(i) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigationNot applicableNo frames are used for navigation. An iframe is used to render visual representations of some user content such as maps.
(j) Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.Supports
(k) A text-only page, with equivalent information or functionality, shall be provided to make a web site comply with the provisions of this part, when compliance cannot be accomplished in any other way. The content of the text-only page shall be updated whenever the primary page changes.Not applicableWhere an interaction is not possible through the web interface, it may be accomplished through text-only means through the Git command-line desktop software.
(l) When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by Assistive Technology.Supports
(m) When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with 1194.21(a) through (l).Not applicableThe only plugin used is a flash-based tool for simplifying the task of copying text visible on the page (such as a commit’s unique id) to the user’s clipboard. The task may be accomplished through the operating system’s standard copy and paste functionality.
(n) When electronic forms are designed to be completed on-line, the form shall allow people using Assistive Technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.Supports
(o) A method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links.Supports with exceptionsOn Enterprise and the Desktop client, the user must tab through repetitive links as there is no skip to main content.
(p) When a timed response is required, the user shall be alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is required.Not applicableTimed responses are not required.

Section 1194.41 Information, Documentation and Support

CriteriaLevel of SupportRemarks and explanations
(a) Product support documentation provided to end-users shall be made available in alternate formats upon request, at no additional chargeSupports
(b) End-users shall have access to a description of the accessibility and compatibility features of products in alternate formats or alternate methods upon request, at no additional charge.SupportsDocumentation available at
(c) Support services for products shall accommodate the communication needs of end-users with disabilities.Supports

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